Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)


3 Months Ended 1 Months Ended 0 Months Ended 1 Months Ended 12 Months Ended 41 Months Ended
Mar. 31, 2015
Mar. 31, 2014
Feb. 28, 2015
Sep. 30, 2013
Mar. 04, 2014
Nov. 17, 2014
Jun. 30, 2012
Aug. 31, 2011
Dec. 31, 2010
Mar. 31, 2015
Dec. 31, 2014
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
License initiation fee $ 28,000us-gaap_LicensesRevenue                     
Revenues 3,493,700us-gaap_Revenues 2,783,000us-gaap_Revenues                  
Officer of the Company [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
Percentage ownership                     5.00%us-gaap_EquityMethodInvestmentOwnershipPercentage
/ us-gaap_RelatedPartyTransactionsByRelatedPartyAxis
= us-gaap_OfficerMember
Shareholder of the Company [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
Percentage ownership                     5.00%us-gaap_EquityMethodInvestmentOwnershipPercentage
/ us-gaap_RelatedPartyTransactionsByRelatedPartyAxis
= us-gaap_BeneficialOwnerMember
Xinhua Energy Environmental Technology                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
Initial fees paid     322,500seer_BusinessCombinationInitialFeesAmountPaid
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_XinhuaEnergyEnvironmentalTechnologyMember
First phase royalty fees payment     430,000us-gaap_RoyaltyExpense
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_XinhuaEnergyEnvironmentalTechnologyMember
Second phase royalty fees payment     350,000seer_RoyaltyExpense1
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_XinhuaEnergyEnvironmentalTechnologyMember
Remaining Portion of fee 107,500seer_RemainingPortionOfPlacementFee
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_XinhuaEnergyEnvironmentalTechnologyMember
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_XinhuaEnergyEnvironmentalTechnologyMember
Exclusive Use License and Joint Operations Agreement with Sterall Inc [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
Description of business acquisition reason The License Agreement grants to Sterall the use of the PWS Technology and the CoronaLux™ waste destruction units for an initial five year term for the State of Florida, renewable for two additional five year terms, for the treatment and/or destruction of any and all regulated medical waste from any sources. The agreement requires Sterall to pay a $300,000 License Initiation Fee and in order for Sterall to maintain its exclusive license for the State of Florida.                    
Initial fees paid       200,000seer_BusinessCombinationInitialFeesAmountPaid
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_SterallIncMember
First phase royalty fees payment       500,000us-gaap_RoyaltyExpense
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_SterallIncMember
Second phase royalty fees payment       750,000seer_RoyaltyExpense1
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_SterallIncMember
Third phase royalty fees payment       750,000seer_RoyaltyExpense2
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_SterallIncMember
License initiation fee       300,000us-gaap_LicensesRevenue
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_SterallIncMember
Maximum payment of placement fee per unit       207,000seer_MaximumPaymentOfPlacementFeePerUnit
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_SterallIncMember
Minimum payment of placement fee per unit       168,000seer_MinimumPaymentOfPlacementFeePerUnit
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_SterallIncMember
Description of Net operating profit allocation

Commencing immediately royalty fees based on Sterall’s NOP for the Initial Facility Fee and ongoing royalties shall be paid on the fifteenth of each month for the succeeding month’s revenue for PWS’s specified allocation of NOP as set forth below, except that effective January 1, 2014 Sterall shall pay the greater of i) a minimum of $7,500 or 2) PWS’s effective NOP allocation.


  Phase I Distribution- All NOP shall first be allocated and paid out 75% to PWS and 25% to Sterall until the first $1,200,000 in distributions are made to the joint venture partners ($900,000PWS/$300,000 Sterall).


  Phase II Distribution - Thereafter, NOP shall be allocated and paid out 25% to PWS and 75% to Sterall until the next $800,000 in distributions are made to the joint venture partners ($200,000 PWS/$600,000 Sterall).


  Phase III Distribution - Thereafter, all NOP shall be allocated and paid out 50%-50% to each joint venture partner for so long as Sterall’s Initial Facility operates and generates NOP.
Exclusive Use License and Equipment Lease Agreement with eCycling International [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
License initiation fee         176,875us-gaap_LicensesRevenue
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_ECyclingInternationalMember
Percentage of revenue to be distributed         50.00%seer_PercentageOfNetOperatingProfitsToBeDistributed
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_ECyclingInternationalMember
Exclusive Use License and Equipment Lease Agreement with Medical Waste Services, LLC [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
License initiation fee           225,000us-gaap_LicensesRevenue
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_MedicalWasteServicesMember
Percentage of revenue to be distributed           50.00%seer_PercentageOfNetOperatingProfitsToBeDistributed
/ us-gaap_BusinessAcquisitionAxis
= seer_MedicalWasteServicesMember
Black Stone Management Services [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
Membership units acquired                 400,000seer_MembershipUnitsAcquired
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_AffiliatedEntityMember
Percentage ownership                     36.00%us-gaap_EquityMethodInvestmentOwnershipPercentage
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_AffiliatedEntityMember
Percentage allocated to two individuals             10.00%seer_PercentageAllocatedToIndividuals
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_AffiliatedEntityMember
Stock issued for acquisition of intellectual property               100,000us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodValuePurchaseOfAssets
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_AffiliatedEntityMember
Stock issued for acquisition of intellectual property (shares)               1,000,000us-gaap_StockIssuedDuringPeriodSharesPurchaseOfAssets
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_AffiliatedEntityMember
Paragon Waste Solutions, LLC [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
Membership units issued                 1,000,000us-gaap_SubsidiaryOrEquityMethodInvesteeCumulativeNumberOfSharesIssuedForAllTransactions
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember
Membership units acquired                 600,000seer_MembershipUnitsAcquired
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember
Percentage ownership 54.00%us-gaap_EquityMethodInvestmentOwnershipPercentage
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember
Payment for funding of subsidiary                   4,400,000seer_PaymentForFundingOfSubsidiary
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember
Royalty Revenue 1,400us-gaap_RoyaltyRevenue
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember
Revenues $ 28,000us-gaap_Revenues
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= us-gaap_SubsidiariesMember
BeneFuels, LLC [Member]                      
Business Acquisition [Line Items]                      
Percentage ownership 85.00%us-gaap_EquityMethodInvestmentOwnershipPercentage
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= seer_Subsidiaries1Member
/ dei_LegalEntityAxis
= seer_Subsidiaries1Member